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St Patrick's Day Celebrations in Lanzarote

Puerto Del Carmen is a very popular resort among Irish tourists so you can see why so many residence go out their way to make the effort to ensure that it's a full day and night of Celebrations.

The day started at 12.00 with mass in the church of our lady of Lourdes in Puerto Del Carmen. At 12.30 pm it was the opening ceremony in the harbour of Puerto Del Carmen and at 1pm the St Patrick's day parade took place on the Avenida de las playas. Also at 1pm started the live entertainment and food stalls in the harbour. The parade ending in the harbour began the rest of the day's celebrations for all those that participated in the parade.

We were unable to attend the parade yesterday as we were busy preparing two villas ready for St Patrick's day arrivals but we aim not to miss out next year. We were however able to visit the harbour late afternoon to see many visitors and residence joining in the fun and celebrating in style wearing green and Irish themed hats and clothing. Many local Irish bars had stalls set up for the event to serve beverages whilst everyone was partying and enjoying the live music entertainment and Irish dancers. It's amazing to see that so many tourists visit Lanzarote each year especially for St Patrick's day.

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